Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Welcome back!

So I feel like I have not been among the land of the living for the past month and a half. We haven't necessarily been holed up in the house, but I have made little to no effort to get out of the house as much as I normally do. I have just been going through the motions and doing the bare minimum. Not to mention we have been sick for the past few weeks which makes life and seeing daylight that much more difficult.

I woke up today and just felt....better. Like maybe I can function to my fullest abilities again. I don't exactly know what happened. I don't know why it was today, but it happened. I have felt better today than I have since 2011 started.

You have seen from my previous posts that I have been hoping for better since the beginning of the year and seriously I am not sure why I couldn't pull myself out of my funk or why today was the day. Maybe it is the weather. Maybe I just got tired of myself. Maybe it was just time.

Whatever it is, I feel back and thank god because I think Rob was about to institutionalize me.

So in the infamous words of Eminem, "Guess who's back, back again? I am back! Tell a friend."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2 a.m. Party Time

So nothing good happens at 2 a.m. I should have learned that in high school. I used to laugh when people said it and at the time, I thought great things were things that happened at 2 a.m. Not sure if it is age or wisdom that has made me see the light, but I now know, nothing good happens at 2 a.m.

As the mother of a daughter that thinks sleeping through the night is merely a suggestion, 2 a.m. has become a time of the night I often find myself awake and not because I am having fun. I spend this time of night getting in and out of bed, walking a 3 year old back to her bed. Often in silence. But after the 5th time, it is usually accompanied with a mommy growl threatening that she better not get out of bed again. I have not perfected this growl or it just isn't scary enough, because we usually have 1 more trip after such threat has been made.

How in the heck do you get a child to sleep through the night? I mean, we are taught that they will learn to sleep through the night during their first year of life. Unfortunately, like most things, my daughter overachieved in this area at an early age, tricking me into thinking she had this skill down. Really it was just a starting point for most things Ade, meaning she excels in the beginning (show off) then decides these skills are not worth her time or energy. The result: leaving me a shell of my former self that doesn't remember what it is like to get a full nights sleep with no interruption. There are nights that she will sleep all night, but they are few and far between and since I am now trained to get up in the middle of the night, my body wakes up numerous times, waiting for the 2 a.m. 3 year old party wake up call. Or the other creatures of the night, aka Rob and Clyde, find ways to disrupt these nights of sleeping bliss.

I often think I should bring my computer to bed. At this time of night, the thoughts that go through my head are often witty and funny, and I wish I could put them down because surely they are the words of comic blog gold! (I think this is also known as delirium)

I have also learned, that like high school, nothing good can come from my husband and I interacting at 2 a.m. It is often bitter, involves lots of kicking, door slams and angry words.

I am so tired, I have forgotten my main point of this blog post. Maybe just to complain. Maybe to hope someone will feel my pain. Maybe just to get out my annoyance with my husband. But I am fairly certain if I had written this at 2 a.m. this morning, my point and moral of the story would have been fully realized.