Friday, August 21, 2009

Most used phrases

The following are the most used phrases by my child.

daddy sleep
daddy work
daddy phone

Please note none of these include "mommy sleep"....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What happens.....

Here is what happens when mommy spends a little too much time on facebook during breakfast instead of playing attention to baby.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Already unoriginal

So I decided to start a blog for me.  Just something to get the random thoughts off my chest...or rather somewhere to get these thoughts out so I don't overwhelm my husband with them at 5 o'clock each day.   As I am sure some of you can relate, after spending a majority of my day talking to a 1 year old, I get very excited to actually have an adult conversation.  And that typically means he gets assaulted each night with the thoughts that come in and out of my head throughout a typical day.  

Random thoughts...I know.  Not all that original...right!  I tried to find ways to make it be, but well, even the "original" blog names that seemed so catchy had already been taken.   So I can't promise the posts will be original, funny, well written or even make sense.  But I can promise it will be random. 

So here it is.   The ramblings of a stay at home mom of a 20 month old girl (who is hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me...her and her daddy) who never thought she would truly have what it takes to be a stay at home mom and some days, feels she may not survive it.  

Enter at your own risk!